

6 steps I followed to get hundreds of new clients — without spending a dime on advertising or marketing

In addition to products or services you offer, create at least one way to share free value with your audience. Consider a blog, video series, podcast, ebook, or other marketing materials that won’t cost you anything, and will give so much to your audience and prospective customers. Social media can be a powerful free avenue of finding new customers for your business. I decided to use Instagram and Facebook heavily, posting at least once a day on both platforms. I also interacted with other accounts that my audience would adore in the industry (but weren’t my competitors), I used hashtags so my content would be searchable, and I only posted content that had value for my audience (and wasn’t too salesy or generic).Pick two platforms to launch on and maintain them regularly. It will help new customers discover you and leave with a mighty first impression of the business. I spent a lot of my free time finding people within the wedding industry I could network with. If you don’t have a budget for ads or marketing, word of mouth referrals can be a big way to gain new customers.