

How to Write an Ebook: Step by Step Guide (2020)

Step 2: Develop Your Ideas Develop-your-ideas
From the basic idea and the main subject of your ebook, you need to develop new ideas to be able to create several chapters and different sections.

Let’s take an example ! You want to write a book on organic cosmetic products. The main topic is to present the benefits of these products. Several other pieces of information must be presented, such as the composition of these products, the people who can use them, their selling prices, the manufacturing processes, the selection criteria, etc.

Okay, you have the topic.  Now it’s time to break your big idea into a series of little ideas.  Write down all the subjects you want to cover in your book, then separate them into chapters.  If you’re writing a story, the same process applies. Think about how you are going to begin the story, and of course how you’re going to end it.  Then have a list of major events that will eventually lead to the climax of the story. This applies to fiction or non-fiction, you want to start strong and end strong.