

How Do Webinars Work? A Beginner’s Guide to Webinar Marketing

Remember to always save some time in the end for a Q&A session. Mention it at the beginning so that the audience will have time to think through the questions they want to ask.

Read more on how to structure your webinar content.

How long should a webinar be?
In most cases, webinars last from 30 minutes to an hour. 60 minutes is enough time to have a 45 minute presentation and leave room for answering questions the audience might ask throughout the webinar on in a designated Q&A session.

But, the ‘usual’ webinar length isn’t set in stone. If you have well-structured content that will take you over an hour to present – go for it. If you have just a short presentation, TED Talks style, you can make it a webinar on demand, as audiences tend to engage with longer video content when it’s live.