Top 5 Digital Marketing Strategies
Generating new leads along with customer retention strategies, is the main goal of most brands, and what better way to do this than with SMS Marketing. Over 5 billion people worldwide own and use smartphones every day, and it’s estimated that SMS messages are read within 3 minutes of being sent; this is excellent news for marketers who want to diversify their digital channels and reach more customers faster – FireText offers the perfect platform for your business to start sending out your Bulk SMS campaigns.
The world of influencer marketing is also changing as consumers embrace this form of advertising more and more. The old way of advertising many products on the same website, blog, or YouTube channel is making way for a more focused approach. One influencer, one brand, seems to be the recipe. As this advertising channel gains more ground, the costs involved also drop; you no longer need to target an A-list celebrity instead of looking for Micro-influencers with a dedicated following.