

Introducing: The Digital Marketing Templates Library

I’m SUPER excited to announce the brand new Digital Marketing Templates Library.

What is it?

It’s a free library that contains templates for blog posts, SEO campaigns, content calendars, outreach emails, press releases, Facebook ads, and more.

You can check out the brand new Digital Marketing Templates Library right here:

This new resource library contains over 20+ proven templates to help with SEO, content marketing, social media, PR and more.

All in all, this resource is designed to help you get a head start on your key marketing tasks. So whether you’re planning out an SEO strategy, writing a press release or brainstorming Facebook ads, this list of templates can help.

I’m super happy with how The Digital Marketing Templates Library turned out.

And I hope you get a ton of value from it.

The Digital Marketing Templates Library is made up of 5 core categories:

* SEO Templates – These templates are designed to help you get higher Google rankings. We’ve included templates to help you plan out an entire SEO campaign. Along with tactical templates for finding keywords, optimizing content, and analyzing your results.

* Content Marketing Templates – This list of templates can help you create content that gets results (in terms of traffic, backlinks, social shares and more). This section has templates for writing compelling case studies, sending effective outreach emails, developing a content marketing strategy plan, and more.

* Email Marketing Templates – These templates are designed to help you build your email list. And send emails that your subscribers want to open.

* Social Media Marketing Templates – This collection of templates includes resources for writing SEO-friendly YouTube video descriptions, auditing your social media presence, creating attention-grabbing Facebook ads, and more.

* Public Relations Templates – Learn how to plan out a PR campaign from the ground up. And get coverage with our templates that show you how to write press releases and send targeted outreach emails that journalists want to read.

I want to give a shout out to Kyle Byers, our new co-founder at Exploding Topics, for helping me put this new resource together.

And I’d love to hear what you think about the new Digital Marketing Templates Library.

Specifically, I’d like to know:

What’s your favorite template from this list?

Also, I plan on adding even more helpful templates to the library soon.

So let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions for templates.