

How Gen Z Is Transforming Digital Marketing

Learning how to adapt your marketing for the future is going to be the deciding factor when it comes to the long-term success or failure of your business endeavors. That adaptation is primarily going to be in the form of effective social media marketing. Luckily for you, the landscape is still very much uncharted territory. Sure, there are examples that we can bring up, like Wendy’s, that can teach us a lot about how to do social media right, but there is a lot of room for experimentation.

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Start shifting your digital marketing efforts away from display ads and start pumping that cash into your social media campaigns instead. That’s not to say you should start promoting all of your posts, but focus foremost on the content. Be sincere and unique. Younger audiences appreciate a sense of individuality that doesn’t put the “corporate line” above all else, even if you do.